Pascal 1.2 128K Development System: Using it with a QC Hard Disk

If you are fortunate enough to own the Pascal 1.2 development system you can
access all features of it from your QC hard disk. The 128K development version

It is assumed that you are familiar with the Pascal development system and the
workings of the Apple II Pascal Software supplied with your QC hard disk.


1. Create a development version of the Apple Pascal II software disk using the
procedure on page 1-4 of the Quark Hard Disk Drive Pascal II Users Manual. In
addition to these steps, it is necessary to convert the software from a 64K
development version to a 128K development version. To do this place the APPLE3
Pascal disk in the disk drive and T(ransfer "APPLE3:128K.APPLE" and
Apple II Pascal software disk. When asked to remove old files, answer "Y".
2. Make a copy of the APPLE1 disk and convert this disk to a 128K development
version by T(ransfering APPLE3:128K.APPLE and APPLE3:128K.PASCAL to
APPLE1:SYSTEM.APPLE and APPLE1:SYSTEM.PASCAL. When asked to remove old files
answer "Y".
3. Boot the newly modified Apple IIPascal Software disk.
4. From the main menu select the VOLUME MANAGER.
5. Select CREATE VOLUMES and make a PASCAL II volume on your QC hard disk that
is 800 blocks in size. Mount this volume with Read/Write access by pressing
RETURN at the prompt "OK to allow unrestricted access to this volume?".
6. Return to the VOLUME MANAGER main menu and select EDIT CURRENT MOUNTS.
7. Set up the newly created Pascal II volume to currently mount on
unit #5. Mount this volume with Read/Write access by pressing RETURN at the
prompt "Mount with Read/Write access?".
8. Return to the VOLUME MANAGER main menu and select QUIT.
9. Select RENAME VOLUME and change the volume name to anything you wish.
10. Return to the Pascal QC Hard Disk Utilities menu and select QUIT TO PASCAL.
11. Insert the 128K APPLE1 in the disk drive and select F(iler.
12. Select T(ransfer. Copy the entire contents of APPLE0, APPLE1, APPLE2, and
APPLE3 to "#5:=". Certain files, particularly SYSTEM.APPLE and SYSTEM.PASCAL
and SYSTEM.COMPILER are duplicated throughout these disks. When asked to remove
old files, answer "N".
13. Place the APPLE3 disk in the disk drive. T(ransfer the files
"APPLE3:128K.APPLE" and APPLE3:128K.PASCAL" to "#5:SYSTEM.APPLE" and
#5:SYSTEM.PASCAL". When asked to remove old files, answer "Y".
14. Insert the Apple II Pascal Software disk in the disk drive and T(ransfer
"QUARK:=" to "#5:=". When asked to remove old files answer "N".


1. Boot the Apple II Pascal Software disk and select VOLUME MANAGER.
2. Select EDIT CURRENT MOUNTS. Mount your Pascal II volume on unit #4 by
selecting "1" and pressing RETURN. Respond to the prompt "Mount which volume?"
by typing the name of your Pascal II volume and pressing RETURN. Mount this
volume with Read/Write access by pressing RETURN at the prompt "Mount with
Read/Write access?".
3. Return to the VOLUME MANAGER main menu and select EDIT AUTOMATIC MOUNTS.
4. Auto mount your Pascal II volume on unit #4 by selecting "1". Respond to
the prompt "Mount which volume?" by typing the name of your Pascal II volume
and pressing RETURN. Mount this volume with Read/Write access by pressing
RETURN at the prompt "Mount with Read/Write access?".
5. Reboot the Apple IIPascal Software disk. You will notice that after the
initial boot, all files are being accessed from the QC hard disk. Surprise....
You will be able to access both Apple II Pascal Software files from your hard
disk and by quitting to Pascal, will be able to access all Pascal development
tools without rebooting.

NOTE: Apple Computer Inc. is not responsible for the contents of this
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012