Internationally we will ship the Express Modem II. This will have an RJ45 jack on the back for the specific Country Adapter which connects to the phone jack found in that country. Apple currently supports 21 country adapters.
The Express Modem II is considered a "World-Ready" Modem which means when you start one of the PowerBook 500 computers with an internal PowerBook Express Modem II, the modem interrogates the system software to see which language version of the operating system is currently running, and then configures itself accordingly.
For example, if your PowerBook 500 series computer is running the French version of System 7, the Express Modem II will configure itself to the France Telecom standards for modems. If the computer is using the German version of System 7, the modem will configure itself for the German telecom standards. This capability eliminates the need for an external country adapter.