LaserWriter Select 360: PageMaker 5.0 Margins Incorrect (5/94)

The minimum margins on a LaserWriter Select 360 are .194-in, however when I print from PageMaker 5.0 I cannot print this close to the edge of the paper. I can print from other application programs and the desktop to these limits. Is this a problem with the PPD file?

We looked into the LaserWriter Select 360 PPD and verified the imageable area values. They are correctly set to provide the approximate minimum margins shown in the Page Setup dialog box. These values are: .194-in. for top, left, right, and .167-in. for the bottom; the manual is incorrect in stating a minimum margin of .18-in. for all sides.

The reason why PageMaker does not allow for these minimum values, this is related to how PageMaker parses the PPD file. In the Print dialog box within PageMaker, we were able to see the correct PPD selected (LaserWriter Select 360), however, the "Print Area" displayed when the "Paper" option was selected was: 7.667 x 10.139. This allows for an approximate minimum margin of 3/8-in. -- about twice the minimum margin the printer can achieve. We printed a test document to verify this, and the margins came out to approximately 3/8-in.

We were able to verify the minimum .194-in. margins of the LaserWriter Select 360 with MacDraw Pro.

Given these results, the problem is application-related as the LaserWriter Select 360 PPD file is accurate. We would suggest that you contact Aldus and report this problem.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012