MAE: Application Compatibility List (6/96)

Apple has worked with a number of software vendors in order to optimize functionality and performance of their applications running under the Macintosh Applications environment (MAE), and to ensure that leading Macintosh compatible applications are also compatible with MAE. In order to verify that MAE supports major functionality of key Macintosh applications, Apple has used the following software titles with MAE version 1.0 and found them to operate normally. As testing continues, (either by Apple and/or ISVs) Apple expects to add many new titles to this list.

Many other applications may run, but those applications have either not been tested by Apple or reported tested by the ISV. In general, those applications which support Inside Macintosh specifications and run 32-bit clean should run on MAE.

For more information about the compatibility of a particular program please contact the software vendor.

Apple provides this list for information purposes only, and the list does not represent a product endorsement on the part of Apple.

Company Product

--------------------- --------------------------------------------------

ACI 4th Dimension (To get the version of 4th

Dimension, users should contact

ACI directly to receive a 1.4 MB

key disk for 4th Dimension)

4D Client

4D First

Object Master

Aladdin Systems Stuffit Expander 3.0.7

Aldus Corp. Persuasion 2.12

PageMaker 5.0

Freehand 4.0

Fetch (Fetch 3.0 and higher will not

work with MAE 2.0.2, use version


SuperPaint 3.0


Datebook 3.01

Adobe Systems Adobe Photoshop 2.5

Adobe Illustrator 5.0

Adobe Type Manager

Advanced Software Dow Comp II 1.0.6

Apple DocViewer 1.1.1

TeachText 7.1

Attain Corp. In Control 2.0.3

Berkeley Systems After Dark 2.0.3

Broderbund Software Mac Globe 1.3.0

Caravelle NetWorks NetWORKS

CE Software QuicKeys

Claris Corp. ClarisWorks 2.1

FileMaker Pro 2.1v1

MacProject Pro 1.5v1

MacDraw Pro 1.5v2

MacWrite Pro 1.0v4

HyperCard Player 2.2

MacDraw II 1.1v2

MacPaint 2.0

Resolve 1.1v1

Impact 1.0v1

DeltaPoint DeltaGraph Pro 3

Deneba Software Canvas 3.5

Frame Technology FrameMaker 4 4.0

Fractal Design Corp. Designer Sketcher 1.0

Intuit Quicken 4.0

Lotus Development Lotus 123 1.1

MECA Software Managing Your Money 4.0

Microsoft Corp. Word 5.1a

Excel 4.0

PowerPoint 3.0b



Nisus Software Nisus 3.47

NOW Software Now Utilities 4.0.2

Now Contact 1.0

Now Up to Date

ON Technology MeetingMaker XP (Please contact On Technology

directly to buy the appropriate

version on Meeting Maker XP

compatible with MAE)

Pastel Development DayMaker Organizer 3.0

PeachTree Software Accounting 2.0 Batch 04

Portfolio Software DynoPage 2.0


Quark Inc. QuarkXPress 3.2

ChipSoft MacInTax

Symantec Corp. More 3.1

WordPerfect Corp. WordPerfect 3.0

WordPerfectWorks 1.2

Wolfram Research Mathematica

Writing Tools American Heritage Eng. Dict. (AHED) College Edition

Article Change History:

25 Jun 1996 - Updated Fetch information.

06 Jun 1994 - Updated list of applications.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012