Power Macintosh Upgrade Card: PlainTalk not Supported (5/94)

I successfully installed the Plaintalk software on my Quadra 700 equipped with a Power Macintosh Upgrade Card. Everything seems to work fine, except that the system doesn't seem to recognize any incoming sound. There aren't any "sound waves" appearing next to the "ear" to indicate the system is hearing me.

I have gotten the other features of the software to work fine. It will read text back to me, and I can change the configuration of the speech with no problems, but I don't have sound input.

Is this a supported configuration, and is there any way to get the software to recognize spoken commands?

PlainTalk is not supported on machines with the Power Macintosh Upgrade Card installed. This is because these machines do not support the new Sound Control Panel that is required for Speech Recognition. The PlainTalk Microphone is not compatible with these machines, and the original round Apple microphone does not work with PlainTalk. Because it is not possible to select the "Options" feature of "Sound In" in the Sound Control Panel, it is not possible to select the microphone.

The Power Macintosh Upgrade Card data sheets are not very clear about this. It does, however, tell you what you get with the Power Macintosh Upgrade Card. It then continues and states: "In addition, even greater performance, as well as speech and telephony capabilities, can be yours if you choose the appropriate Power Macintosh Logic Board Upgrade for your Macintosh." Thus, PlainTalk is supported with the Power Macintosh Logic Board Upgrade, and not with the Power Macintosh Upgrade Card.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012