The display speed of the internal video is faster than the AV card. This is because the AV card uses a 32-bit wide data path for video (as does the 840AV), while the DRAM-based video and standard Power Mac video cards use a 64-bit wide video path. This means that video is technically faster on the non-AV machines, although this is only a benchmark. In real applications, customers should not be able to notice the video speed differences between an AV and a non-AV system. The raw video speed is a trade-off of delivering video-in and video-out features, but you should not notice a difference in total system performance.
It is also recommended that if using a Power Macintosh AV with a single monitor, that you attach the monitor to the AV card's video out port (the DB 15 connector) as you will get better digitizing performance. This recommendation also stands for Apple AudioVision displays. You can connect the AudioVision to the DB 15 using the AudioVision HDI-45 to DB 15 display adapter.
*The following information is for Apple Internal & Support Providers Only*