HyperCard 2.2:AddColor colorPict Effect Must="Stamp" (5/94)

In Hypercard 2.2, the Color Tools stack (XCMD documentation) states that the following command will allow you to paste a picture with visual effects:

Addcolor "colorPictFile", "cd"|"bg", <filename>, <point|rectangle>, "t"|"o" [,<effect>|<duration>]

However, this doesn't seem to work unless the "effect" is "stamp."

To duplicate:

Launch Hypercard
Open Address Stack (or any other stack)
Create a new stack in Hypercard
Create a new button
enter script of button:

on mouseUp
AddColor "colorPictFile","cd","littlepict","0,0","o","stamp",60
end mouseUp

--where "littlepict" is the name of a pict file in same folder as new stack (you can take a screen shot and rename it).

Close button and test it, button works.
Change script so that effect is something else, like "dissolve", "irisOpen", whatever, and the pict doesn't appear. We also tried locking messages, redrawing screen, whatever else we could think of.

The "AddColor colorPict..." command works but the "AddColor ColorPictFile..." command does not work with HyperCard 2.2.

The only work around is to not use this command. Make the PICT
a resource and use the "AddColor colorPict..." command instead.

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Published Date: Feb 19, 2012