HyperCard: Palette Maker: "err: resource not found" (5/96)

I have found that when using Power Tools Palette Maker, and a palette is created and then deleted, I get the error: "err: resource not found.

This specifically, happens if palette is deleted from the Power Tools stack first, however, it also happens if multiple instances of the palette is found in the stack from which it is to be deleted.

Here are the steps to duplicate:

Open Power Tools Stack.

Select "Palette Maker"

Enter Palette Name

Click on "Create Palette"

Click on "Install palette" --select some stack, like "Appointments";

palette gets installed.

Click on "Install Palette" again to same stack --palette gets installed


Click on "Delete Palette," get error "Error: Resource not found."

HyperCard programming is an area of endeavor that is not to be taken lightly and creating multiple palettes with the same name is not something I would want to attempt. However if you do, you can delete multiple resources in a stack with the Resource Mover instead of the Delete Palette button in the Power Tools stack. You might want to check the scripts of the delete button and the card background to see what they are doing in that stack.

I have forwarded this situation to the HyperCard team and if they think a

change is warranted, it will be changed in a future version of Power Tools.

Article Change History:

21 May 1996 - Corrected minor typographical errors.

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012