If you used the Runtime Maker 1.0 to build your project, then you should download the Runtime Maker version 1.0.1 from an on-line bulletin board such as AppleLink. Be sure to follow the instructions enclosed with it regarding copying the .INI file in the Runtime Maker folder to your PC runtime folder.
If you used the AMT Programming Environment, be sure to include the lines:
in your PROGRAM.INI file. If you have renamed your PC runtime MYPROJ.EXE, then you must change the name of your .INI file to MYPROJ.INI file and put it in the same directory.
Regrettably, the terminology behind checking for transparency is not well understood in the PC world. On the Macintosh, transparency effects are supported via Color QuickDraw transfer modes.
Windows relies on video drivers to do most of the work for this type of pixel information and transparency support is not required by Microsoft. Routines to check for transparency support, similar to the Macintosh Gestalt command set, is required for Windows video drivers but they often are not implemented, let alone correct.
If you use "driver-mode" transparency for your objects on the Windows versions, you must verify that transparency will be supported by the target machines. As of now, Apple does not have a reliable list of driver/board PC combos which support transparency. However, you should be able to get the effect by forcing software-based transparency effects.
The AMT Runtime Maker version 1.0 does not correctly check for this user option and so you should download the AMT Runtime Maker 1.0.1. In the AMT Runtime Maker 1.0, the default was driver-based transparency. Apple has determined that since so few boards support it, the default in version 1.1 will be software-based transparency and developers who want the faster driver-based transparency must have the line "transparency=driver" in their AMT.INI file.
Users of version 1.1 will note that the .INI file will be next to the PC's QTW.INI file instead of using a PROGRAM.INI file. That means that overriding default settings must be done on a PC-by-PC basis without relying on a .INI file on your CD-ROM.
The font mapping for Windows in AMK 1.0 is done in the .INI file but the font mapping for Windows in AMK 1.1 will be embedded in the new Apple Media Kit Text 1.1 media format. AMT.INI (only for AMK 1.1) is only useful when it contains:
and when you are sure your video card and driver (for instance V7VGA.DRV support transparency.