LaserWriter Select 360: Comm Problems With Incoming Faxes (5/94)

I have a LaserWriter Select 360f and are receiving complaints from our customers that they get "communication" errors when they try to fax to our printer's fax card. Outbound faxing is no problem.

We have not received any reports, nor have encountered any "Comm error" problems with our fax cards on the LaserWriter Select 360f or LaserWriter Pro 810f. Possible problems are:

* Use of a "sharing device" which automatically routes voice/data/fax on
one phone line. These devices are typically problematic.

* Failure to connect at any baud rate due to impairments ("noise") on the
telephone line. The phone line can be checked by the their local
telephone company.

* Source fax machines which are able to communicate at 14.4 K baud
sometimes have trouble dropping down to 9600 baud. The LaserWriter
Select 360f fax card follows the CCITT Group III transmission standard of
up to 9600 bps.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012