General Information
* MAE 1.0 Does Not Support AppleTalk, MacTCP, QuickTime, Serial Devices, Sound, or 800K Floppy Disks (Sun and HP).
* Text File Line Separators May Not Be Saved Correctly (Sun and HP). When you use some Macintosh applications to save a file in text format (file type "TEXT"), the file may have a Macintosh line separator (ASCII Character octal 15) instead of a UNIX line separator (ASCII Character octal 12). For example, if you save a file as Text using Microsoft Word, the resulting file will appear as one continuous line of text when opened from either MAE or a UNIX program. To restore the file, use the UNIX utility "tr" to translate the Macintosh line separator character to the UNIX line separator and save the result in a different file. The suggested "tr" command is:
tr "" "" < file1 > file2
where file1 is the file which contains the Macintosh line separator, and file2 is the restored file.
* Aliases Can Behave Differently in MAE Than on the Macintosh (Sun and HP). When you drag an item to the MAE desktop, MAE automatically creates an alias to the item and places the alias on the desktop. MAE lets you know that it created an alias by appending the word "alias" to the name of the item and putting the name in italics. If you move an item for which you have an alias from one UNIX file system to another, you will have to re-create the alias to the item. Otherwise, MAE will be unable to locate the original item when you double-click its alias. For more information about aliases, see "Creating an Alias" in Appendix A in the on-line version of the "MAE User's Guide."
* Must Be Root User (Superuser) to Change Settings in Some Control Panels and Desk Accessories (Sun and HP). You must be root user (superuser) to change the date and time settings in the General Controls or Date & Time control panels or to change the settings in the Alarm Clock desk accessory.
* Use Absolute Pathnames in Dialog Boxes and Control Panels That Require You to Type a UNIX Command (Sun and HP). For example, use absolute pathnames in the MAE File Launching control panel, the X Client Setup control panel, and the command-launch dialog box (which appears when you press the Control key and double-click a UNIX file).
* MAE Does Not Provide Remote Floppy Support (Sun and HP). You can only use floppy disks that are inserted in a floppy drive attached to the workstation on which you are running MAE. (You cannot use the floppy drive attached to a remote workstation on which you are displaying MAE.)
* Do Not Use the MAE Keyboard Control Panel to Map the "Alt" or "Mode Switch" Modifier Key Functions to the Right Diamond Key ("Meta Right") (Sun).
* Must Run the Solaris Volume Manager In Order to Use Floppy Disks (Sun). If you want to use a floppy disk on MAE running on your Sun workstation, you must be running the Solaris Volume Manager. For more information, see the Solaris documentation or your system administrator.
* Older HP CD-ROM Drives May Be Incompatible With HP 712 Workstations (HP). If you try to mount a CD-ROM disc on an older CD-ROM drive attached to an HP 712 workstation, MAE may display an alert message, asking if you want to initialize the disc. (Click Cancel to dismiss the alert box.) For information, see your system administrator or contact technical support at Hewlett-Packard.
* Using MAE with AFS (Andrew File System) (Sun and HP). Some UNIX systems and utilities may have problems using AFS, such as determining file system space and finding information about files and directories on an AFS disk. The same problems can occur in MAE. If your UNIX system has problems with AFS, then install MAE and use it with non-AFS file systems. Avoid using MAE with UNIX systems that have a large AFS file system mounted at the root level.
* Make Sure You Correctly Mount NFS File Systems (Sun and HP). To use Macintosh applications or documents located on an NFS server, you must mount the NFS file system the same way that it was exported. For example, if the file system was exported as "read-only," mount it as "read-only." See your system administrator if you need help.
* Do Not Run twm With the NoTitleFocus Option (Sun and HP).
* How to Maximize Performance on Solaris (Sun). You may want to increase the "shmsys:shminfo_shmmax" and "shmsys:shminfo_shmseg" parameters to increase the performance of MAE running on Solaris. See the documentation that came with your workstation for more information.
* How to Install Macintosh Applications That Need to Create a Folder in the / Directory (Sun and HP). Some Macintosh installer documents (also called scripts) expect to be able to access their application files during the installation process in a folder in the / directory. Due to a lack of free disk space or other issues, you may not be able to nor want to install the application files in the / directory. This method allows you to install the application files in the directory of your choosing by using the Apple Installer 4.0, while allowing the application's installer document to locate its files as necessary. The following instructions tell you how to create a symbolic link between the / directory and the directory in which you install the application files (usually your home directory or $HOME):
1) Make sure you have "read" and "write" access permissions for /. (See your system administrator for information.)
2) As a regular user, create a directory in $HOME and give it the same name that the application uses when it creates a folder during installation. (See "Important" below.)
For example, perform these steps: Enter the command: cd $HOME Then enter the command: mkdir "ClarisWorks 2.0"
IMPORTANT: You must create a directory with EXACTLY the same name as the name that the application uses. If necessary, you can determine the correct name by looking for the directory that the application created in the $HOME directory after the first application disk has been ejected.
3) Create a symbolic link to this new directory. For example, enter this command:
ln -s $HOME/"ClarisWorks 2.0" /"ClarisWorks 2.0"
4) Follow the directions presented in the section "Using the Apple Installer 4.0" in Chapter 3 of the "MAE User's Guide" to install the application.
5) After completing the installation, delete the symbolic link from /. For example, enter this command: rm /"ClarisWorks 2.0"
6) Restore the original access permissions for /. (See your system administrator.)
* If You Cannot Access the Files on an MAE CD Mounted Remotely on a Sun Workstation (Sun). You may have a problem accessing the files on a remotely-mounted MAE CD-ROM disc if the disc was mounted on a Sun workstation by using the Solaris Volume Manager. There are two possible solutions to the problem: you can quit the Solaris Volume Manager and explicitly mount the MAE CD-ROM disc by using a command such as mount(1). You should then be able to access the files on the CD-ROM disc in order to perform a remote installation. Or you can copy the MAE files from the CD-ROM disc to a directory on the Sun workstation and then access the files by remotely mounting the directory. For more information about remotely installing MAE, see Chapter 1 in the "MAE User's Guide."
* If You Have Problems Installing Aldus Persuasion From Floppy Disks (Sun and HP). You may need to increase the memory size of the Aldus Installer to 1024K (kilobytes) by following these steps:
1) Unlock the floppy disk that contains the Aldus Installer.
2) In MAE, insert and mount the disk (click the Mount Floppy/CD button in the Toolbar).
3) Select the Apple Installer icon and choose Get Info from the File menu.
4) Type 1024 in the Minimum Memory Size and Preferred Memory Size text boxes and press Return.
5) Close the Get Info window.
6) Eject disk and re-lock it.
Note: for information about locking and unlocking floppy disks, see "Working With Floppy Disks" in Appendix A in the on-line version of the "MAE User's Guide."
* If the Message "Can't locate engine" Appears When You Try to Start MAE (Sun and HP). When you start MAE, it tries to find a directory ("lib/engine") that contains the MAE files necessary for startup. (If you installed MAE according to the instructions in the "MAE User's Guide," the "lib/engine" directory is located in the "apple" directory.) If you have moved the directory or renamed it after you installed MAE, MAE displays this error message. You can use the -appledir command-line option when you start MAE, or you can edit your X Resources file in order to tell MAE where the directory is located. For more information, see the MAE manual page.
* If the Keys You Press on Your Keyboard Don't Produce the Correct Characters in MAE (Sun and HP). Open the MAE Keyboard control panel and check whether the preset keymap is "generic." If it is, choose a new keymap (from the Keymap pop-up menu) that is appropriate for your keyboard and workstation. If the Keymap pop-up menu does not contain an appropriate keymap, contact Apple technical support. See "Choosing a New Preset Keymap" in Appendix C in the on-line version of the "MAE User's Guide."
* If Colors Are Not Displayed Accurately in Certain Applications (Sun and HP). In certain applications that use color (for example, Adobe Photoshop), colors used in the document may not be displayed correctly. To fix this problem, select "Use standard Mac colors" in the Options dialog box in the Monitors control panel. For more information, see "Reducing Colormap Flashing" in Appendix C in the on-line version of the "MAE User's Guide."
* If You Have Problems Using MS-DOS (Including Windows) or Solaris File System Disks on MAE (Sun). If you insert a floppy disk formatted for MS-DOS or Solaris into a Sun workstation and try to mount it in MAE by clicking the Mount Floppy/CD button, MAE displays an alert box. To use MS-DOS files on MAE running on Solaris, use the capabilities provided by Solaris. (For example, do not use Macintosh PC Exchange or other Macintosh applications that read MS-DOS disks.)
Follow these steps:
1) Insert the disk that contains the MS-DOS files that you want to use.
2) In a Solaris window, type "volcheck floppy". The files on the disk will appear in the /floppy/<floppyname> directory on your UNIX file system.
3) To use the files on the MAE desktop, double click /, then double-click the folder called "floppy," and then double-click the
folder called "<floppyname>."
* If the Message "fd0: read failed" Appears (Sun). When you try to mount a floppy disk on MAE, you may see the message "fd0: read failed" on your Sun console. This message alerts you that Solaris is unable to read certain sectors on the floppy disk. Try another floppy disk or try the same disk on a different workstation. (If the disk does not contain data that you need, you may want to reformat the disk on a workstation and then try mounting it again on MAE.)
* If Solaris Displays the "Unlabeled Floppy" Dialog Box on Your Console (Sun). When you insert and try to mount a Macintosh floppy disk on MAE, Solaris displays the "Unlabeled Floppy" dialog box if you didn't install the Solaris Volume Manager Extensions when you installed MAE. Click Cancel in the dialog box (do NOT click Cancel & Eject). The floppy disk icon should appear on your MAE desktop. To prevent this situation from occurring again, you should run the MAE Installer as root and install the Solaris Volume Manager Extensions package according to the instructions in Chapter 1 of the "MAE User's Guide."
* If MAE Hangs When a Mounted Floppy Disk Has Been Ejected (Sun). If a Macintosh disk is somehow ejected without MAE being notified (for example, by typing "eject floppy" in a Solaris shell window or by clicking Cancel & Eject in the "Unlabeled Floppy" dialog box described earlier), MAE may hang until it is able to use the disk again. Reinsert the disk and type "volcheck" in a Solaris shell window. This step should allow MAE to continue to use the floppy disk. To avoid this problem, you should eject disks that have been mounted on the MAE desktop by using MAE capabilities ONLY. For example, drag the disk icon to the Trash or select the disk and choose Eject Disk from the Special menu.
* If You Have Problems Quitting MAE (Sun and HP). If you cannot quit MAE by using the Shut Down command in the Special menu (on the MAE desktop) or by using the capabilities provided by your X window manager, you can press Shift-Control-E.
Additional Information
There are two mailing lists for MAE users. To talk with other users, compare notes, and share information on MAE issues, send e-mail to "" To send information about MAE to Apple Computer, send e-mail to "" To join the mae-users list, send e-mail to ""
For MAE technical notes, patches, and other technical information, see "" in the directory "mae". You can use ftp to log on to the server as "anonymous" and use your e-mail address as the password.
IMPORTANT: The MAE mailing lists are unofficial sources of information. Apple Computer does not guarantee responses or bug fixes.
Mention of third-party products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the performance of these products.
MAE Trial On-line Read Me
README.TRIAL (last updated on 7/4/94)
The files in this directory allow you to install the Apple MAE Trial product for either Sun SPARC workstations running Solaris 2.3 and later, or HP workstations running HP-UX 9.01 and later. The Trial product allows you to evaluate MAE for 8 total hours on your workstation. After the 8 hours, the Trial product will shut down and can be removed from your workstation. Printing is also disabled in the MAE Trial.
Note: The minimum MAE Trial ftp package is about 13 megabytes. This can
take a while to download across some slower internet connections.
- HP 9000 Series 700 workstation running HP-UX 9.01 or later
- Sun SPARC workstation running Solaris 2.3 or later
- X Window System, Version 11, release 4 or later
- Window manager such as Motif, HP VUE, or OPEN LOOK
- At least 16 MB of RAM; 32 MB recommended
- At least 16 MB of free hard disk space; 22 MB recommended
If you would like to purchase Apple Computer's MAE 1.0 Product, in the U.S., contact the Apple Order Center at
There are 3 files in the "trial" directory on the ftp server called "":
/pub/mae/trial/README.TRIAL - This file.
/pub/mae/trial/MAE_HPUX.tar.Z - (13 MB) This is the Trial version
for HP Series 700 workstations. It includes the MAE Trial version,
online documentation, a man page, and two trial applications (Claris
Works 2.0 and MacProject Pro).
/pub/mae/trial/MAE_SOLARIS.tar.Z - (13 MB) Same as MAE_HPUX.tar.Z, except
for Sun SPARC workstations running Solaris 2.3 or later.
Download the correct file for your workstation.
The MAE Trial is designed to be installed once for each user, and each user has 8 hours of use. In order for multiple users to evaluate the Trial, each user must run the installer (INSTALL.SH) and install a local copy for his or her own use.
Make a directory anywhere you have a free 16 MB of hard disk space (22 MB recommended). Place the MAE_HPUX.tar.Z or MAE_SOLARIS.tar.Z file in that directory. Uncompress it and untar it with the following command:
On HP Workstations: zcat MAE_HPUX.tar.Z | tar -xvf -
On Sun Workstations: zcat MAE_SOLARIS.tar.Z | tar -xvf -
Note: The latest MAE Trial information is located in the READ.ME file
located in this directory.
Now run the installer, which is called INSTALL.SH, using the command:
Follow the on-screen instructions. After installing MAE, type the pathname for mae and press Return. MAE is usually installed and run as a regular user (not root), and therefore mae is probably in $HOME/apple/bin/mae.
The Tech Info Library article titled "Locating Vendor Information" can help you search for the Apple Order Center's phone number.
This Trial Software product is being provided to you "as is." Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to use of this Trial Software product. Apple does not offer any warranties, assumed or implied, regarding the usability and reliability of this Trial Software. Apple is not responsible for any liability, direct or indirect, that may arise from the use of this Trial Software product.