AppleSearch 1.0: Reporters and Restoring Volume

I had to replace an external hard drive that had crashed, the data was restored from a backup tape, and indexed on the new hard disk. Now the reporters have lost their connection to that information source.

The workstation reporters no longer appear in the reporter list on the server. There appears to be no way to "reconnect" them to the server short of re-saving them from each client.

The AppleSearch admin guide does say on page 9, "if you relocate an information source to another disk, AppleSearch reporters will only look for it in the old location". It does not describe a way to "reconnect" these reporters to their information source without having to recreate them from scratch.
Unfortunately, AppleSearch uses the file ID's of the information sources for reference. When a backup is restored, the file ID's change, which causes the Reporters to lose contact with the information sources.

There is no way to reconnect the old Reporters to the 'new' information sources in the current release of AppleSearch. You need to open each Reporter and reselect the necessary Information Sources.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012