Geoport 1.0
The Geoport for Power Macintosh version 1.0 only supports Fax transmission speeds up to 9600 bps (CCITT V.29).
The user's guide for the Express Modem software that ships with the Power Macintosh references high speed Fax capabilities. The option for high speed Fax will not appear in Fax Terminal's preferences window.
The high speed Fax option is only available when Express Modem software is being used with an Apple Express Modem on a PowerBook or Macintosh with an Express Modem installed.
Geoport 2.0
Apple Telecom Software version 2.0 will support high speed faxing (V.17) on a Power Macintosh. The Quadra, and Centris AV Family of computers will not support v.17 speeds.
V.17 fax speed is disabled by launching the Fax Terminal software under the Apple Menu. Under the "Fax" menu, drag down to "Preferences", unselect the box next to "Allow v.17 faxing".
Article Change History:
20 Jun 1995 - Updated with GeoPort 2.0 fax speed information.
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