What is AppleSearch and how does it relate to the Internet? AppleSearch software is a client/server product that enables members of an AppleShare workgroup to conduct personalized information searches on a server, at the same time -- effectively turning the file server into an information server.
Users can quickly and easily search for information on a selected How do I connect to the Internet? There are a variety of ways to connect your Apple workgroup server to the Internet. In most states there are currently projects underway to provide connections through a state agency or local university. Suggested contacts include your state universities, state office of public instruction or county office of education.
A number of commercial providers offer connections on both a regional and nation wide basis. Some commercial providers include PSI at (703) 620-6651, Sprint International at (703) 904-2156, or AlterNet at (800) 488- 6383. We strongly suggest you utilize a dedicated connection when arranging for service from the provider of your choice. This will provide increased speed, reliability, and the ability to service more simultaneous users than a dial up connection.
The AppleSearch Bundle for the Internet includes
* Apple Workgroup Server 95+.
* A/UX version 3.1 Operating System.
* AppleShare Pro server software.
* AppleSearch server and client software with gateway service to Internet WAIS servers.
* Installation.
* Getting started primer for WAIS curriculum usage in K-12.
Suggested Reading
There are a number of books available to provide you with additional information regarding an Internet connection and on Internet services. Suggested titles include:
* "How The Internet Works" by Joshua Eddings, published by Ziff-Davis
* "The Whole Internet" by Ed Krol, published by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
* "Connecting to the Internet" by Susan Estrada, published by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
* "The Internet Connection" by John S. Quarterman, published by Addison Wesley
Connection Checklist
Prior to the installation of your AppleSearch Bundle for the Internet the following information must be completed:
* Has the Apple Workgroup Server 95+ hardware arrived at the installation site?
* Type of connection: Dedicated line or Dialup _________________________
* If Dialup are modem and telephone line installed?
* If dedicated connection are the WAN router, CSU/DSU and dedicated line installed?
* Is a drop from the LAN installed for the AppleSearch Server?
* What is the TCP/IP address for the AppleSearch server given to you by the Internet connection provider? ________________________
* What is the subnet mask address for the AppleSearch server given to you by the Internet connection provider? ______________________
* What is the TCP/IP address of the Internet provider Domain Name Server
* What is the Internet provider Domain Name Server Name? _________________
* What is the TCP/IP address of the WAN router connecting the AppleSearch server to the Internet _________________________
Setup Information
Once you have completed the connection checklist please call Apple Computer, Inc. at 1-800-3APPLE3 to schedule the installation of your server. The installing engineer will then contact you directly to review the connection checklist. Upon successful completion of this review the engineer will be dispatched as scheduled to complete the installation.
TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. Roughly translated it is the common "language" used for different types of computers to pass messages and information.
TCP/IP Address: The address by which a device is known on a computer network. You might think of this as a very detailed phone number for computers to call each other.
Subnet mask: An extension to the TCP/IP address. A phone analogy for networking addresses might be: area code = Network ID; prefix = subnet mask; last 4 digits = hostid.
Router: A device that transfers data between two networks using the same protocols.
CSU/DSU: A device similar to a modem for a dedicated connection. It connects your router to the Internet provider channel (such as T1, Frame Relay, and so on).
DNS: Domain Name Server is the resource naming system used on the Internet. It is also used to translate names (such as apple.com) into numeric Internet addresses (like and visa versa. The benefit for the user is the ability to use the Internet by name versus long address numbers.
WAIS: Wide-Area Information Servers; this is a system for looking up information in databases (libraries) across the Internet.