PowerBook Mobility Bundle: What‘s In The Box? (3/95)

This article provides a list of the software included with the PowerBook Mobility Bundle.

The PowerBook Mobility Bundle contains the following software:

- PowerBook Control Strip v1.0.1
- Macintosh PC╩Exchange v1.0.3
- PowerBook File Assistant v1.0
- Apple Remote Access Client v2.0.1
- HyperCard Player v2.2
- MacCheck v1.0.5
- MacLink Plus MCP╩v7.50
- PowerPort and GlobalFax software when purchased with optional modem

Disks for PC Exchange, MacCheck, ARA╩Client, and MacLink╩Plus software are not included in the PowerBook accessory kit. The software is comes pre-installed on the hard drive. A manual is provided for Apple Remote Access only.

Article Change History:
13 Mar 1995 - Removed Calendar 1.5 as it no longer ships with bundle.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012