MAE: Solaris File Manager Affected After Trial Install (6/94)

My Solaris File manager won't work after I installed MAE. It won't check or format a floppy anymore. A check won't do anything, and a format will cause a core dump and Sigseg violation. After getting out of MAE, I deleted it entirely but the problem remained. I eventually found a line in a file that MAE had added:

/etc/rmmount.conf ... was changed.

action floppy ... was added to the file.

This line was removed and the File manager was restarted. It now checks for floppies OK, but attempting to format a floppy still causes the same core dump.

This is critical for my operation as this system is used to generate floppies for my development's efforts. I have to get the Solaris File Manager back into its pre-MAE state.

When MAE Trial installed support for the Solaris Volume Manager, it
did the following:

* Added these lines to /etc/rmmount.conf:

ident macfs ident floppy
action floppy

* Created a subdirectory named 'macfs' within the existing directory
/usr/lib/fs and tossed these files into it:

* Added this file to the existing /usr/lib/rmmount directory:

* Restarted the Volume Manager Daemon via:

kill -HUP <vold process id>

Remove all these files and changes then restart the vold process to get back to a before MAE state.

Be sure you are running Solaris 2.3 and not some other version because it's possible this could be the real problem.

Also make sure that the floppy there were trying to format will format on other Solaris 2.3 systems to be sure it's not a defective floppy.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012