MAE: CAP and PacerShare Problem (11/94)

I'm testing the Macintosh Application Environment (MAE) at my site. I have a file server set up on a UNIX host using CAP. CAP (Columbia AppleTalk Package) for UNIX is a library of routines which enable a UNIX host to communicate using AppleTalk Protocols. It is public-domain software.

The file server is mounted on the UNIX machine via NFS, and when using Liken, the Macintosh applications stored on the file server can be launched by double-clicking on their Icons.

However, through MAE, the files appear to be UNIX binary files and can not double-clicked. I don't know what file format the files are stored in on the file server, but within MAE, they appear as two separate folders (folders, not files) for each application.

Does MAE support CAP, or as an alternative does MAE support PacerShare?

CAP is not supported under MAE. The problem is CAP uses an unacceptable means to store Macintosh files. MAE understands only AppleSingle and AppleDouble file formats which CAP doesn't use.

PacerShare from Pacer Software is a product similar to CAP, in allowing a UNIX host to act as an AppleShare server. Apparently, it doesn't use AppleSingle or AppleDouble file formats either, and cannot be used to transfer files to MAE.

We have reported this for tracking and follow up if there is any.

Article Change History:
11 Oct 1994 - Added PacerShare to article.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012