This can occur intermittently in version 3.0.1 of the American Heritage Dictionary program. In the Memory control panel, if Virtual Memory is set to more than 20 MB, an error of type -250 will result. As a temporary workaround, you may reduce the amount of virtual memory to something less than 20 MB
Version 3.6.1 (and later) fixes this. The updated software can be obtained from the publisher, The Learning Company.
RAM Doubler
NOTE: RAM Doubler reports to the operating system that Virtual Memory is ON (it's actually Extended Memory, but the Operating System flag is still the same). If physical RAM is greater than 10 MB, and RAM Doubler is installed, the same error message occurs. Solution: Disable the RAM Doubler extension or contact Connectix for other solutions specific to RAM Doubler.
The Tech Info Library article titled "Locating Vendor Information" can help you search for a particular vendor's address and phone number.
Article Change History:
07 Mar 1997 - Added new version info, vendor info; corrected error number.