PowerBook 500 series and 5300 series computers have the same type VID-14 video output connector as earlier PowerBook models.
An adapter cable was included with some earlier models of the PowerBook that allows you to use a standard Apple video cable. If you didn't get the cable, it can be purchased separately. It is available as part number M3927LL/A.
Pin |
VID-14 | DB-15 | Signal Name | Description |
1 | 2 | RED.VID | Red video signal |
2 | 1 | RED.GND | Red video ground |
3 | 4 | SENSE0 | Monitor sense signal 0 |
4 | 12 | /VSYNC | Vertical synchronization signal |
5 | 3 | /CSYNC | Composite synchronization signal |
6 | 11 | GND | CSYNC and VSYNC ground |
7 | 6 | GRN.GND | Green video ground |
8 | 5 | GRN.VID | Green video signal |
9 | 7 | SENSE1 | Monitor sense signal 1 |
10 | 14 | HSYNC.GND | HSYNC ground |
11 | 10 | SENSE2 | Monitor sense signal 2 |
12 | 15 | /HSYNC | Horizontal synchronization signal |
13 | 9 | BLU.VID | Blue video signal |
14 | 13 | BLU.GND | Blue video ground |
* | 8 | N.C. | Not connected |
Shell | Shell | SGND | Shield ground |