Newton Connection Kit 2.0 Read Me
This Read Me contains important late breaking information for your Newton Connection Kit 2.0 for Macintosh. The information covers the following areas:
- Switching from Newton Connection 1.0 to 2.0 DataViz import/export translators
- How to use the template import/export format
- When to use Newton Connection import/export format
- Things to watch out for
- Miscellaneous suggestions
Switching from Newton Connection 1.0 to 2.0
Synchronized files created with Newton Connection 1.0 are incompatible with Newton Connection 2.0 and vice-versa. This means you cannot use Newton Connection 2.0 to synchronize or restore from a Newton Connection 1.0 file. Therefore, BEFORE using Newton Connection 2.0, perform the following steps:
1. Launch Newton Connection 1.0.
2. Synchronize. This makes sure your Newton ( and PCMCIA card if applicable) contains all the information you may have added to the 1.0 synchronize file since the last synchronization.
3. Quit Newton Connection 1.0 and delete or rename (**see note) the 1.0 synchronization file. This ensures that Newton Connection 2.0 will not try to use the 1.0 file when synchronizing.
4. If you have not already done so, install Newton Connection 2.0.
5. Launch Newton Connection 2.0 and synchronize. This creates a new 2.0 synchronization file with the data currently in your Newton.
** Once you are comfortable using the new version, we suggest you delete the old 1.0 files. If you do decide to keep any 1.0 files around, please keep a copy of Newton Connection 1.0 around. IF you accidentally, restore a 1.0 file using Newton Connection 2.0, you will see a -48025 error when you try to synchronize.
Please perform the following steps to correct this problem:
1. Quit Newton Connection 2.0.
2. Launch Newton Connection 1.0.
3. Using Newton Connection 1.0 restore the 1.0 synchronize file onto Newton.
4. Quit Newton Connection 1.0.
5. Delete the old 2.0 synchronize files.
6. Launch Newton Connection 2.0.
7. Synchronize using Newton Connection 2.0. Everything is now ready to go.
DataViz import/export translators
Newton Connection Kit contains portions of the MacLinkPlus file translation library, a product of DataViz Inc., 55 Corporate Drive, Trumbull, CT, USA (203)268-0030
You can use the following DataViz translators to import and export information between your MessagePad and supported applications on your Macintosh.
Newton | Macintosh |
Date Book | DateBook Pro |
- | Excel 4.0 |
- | Lotus 1-2-3 |
- | Now Up-to-Date 2.1 |
- | Works 3.0 |
Newton | Macintosh |
Name File | ACT! 1.1 (*) |
- | Address Book Plus |
- | Dynodex 3.0 |
- | Excel 4.0 |
- | Lotus 1-2-3 |
- | Works 3.0 (Spreadsheet) |
- | Works 3.0 (Database) |
(*) This will import and export the Date Book and Notepad when done in conjuction with the Name File.
Newton | Macintosh |
Notepad | MacWrite II |
- | Nisus 3.0 |
- | Rich Text Format |
- | WordPerfect 2.x |
- | Works 3.0 (Word Processor) |
- | WriteNow 3.0 |
If you are exporting from a Newton application that contains fields not present in the designated supported Macintosh application, the information in the fields not supported in the Macintosh application will not be exported. For example, in Newton Connection, name file entries have a field for the e-mail address. Dynodex 3.0 does not have a field for the e-mail address. Therefore, if you export a name entry to a Dynodex file, the e-mail address will not be exported.
Similarly, if you are importing information from a Macintosh application that contains fields not present in the corresponding Newton application, data from the unsupported fields will not be imported.
Newton graphics and ink can be exported as PICT graphics from Newton Connection using the translators. However, PICT graphics in Macintosh applications can not be imported as Newton graphics and ink. Only the Newton Connection Format supports import of graphics into Newton Connection.
Some translators will break repeating meetings and repeating day notes into individual meetings and day notes. For example, if you export one yearly repeating meeting from Newton Connection into ACT! 1.1, the Newton repeating meeting will be translated into 10 non-repeating meetings which occur once a year for 10 years.
How to use the template import/export format
There are situations in which a file exported using a template and then re imported into a Newton Connection Kit file may lose information. The templates import and export files with text only. This means that any graphics in your Newton data will not be exported if you use a template. Furthermore, if your data contains tabs, returns or multiple paragraphs (**), some of it may be lost if you export with a template that uses Tab and Return as the field and record separators. To avoid this, click Options in the Template dialog and choose a character that does not appear in your data as the separator, or export in Newton Connection format. If you want to move all information from one Newton Connection Kit file to another, it is strongly recommended that you use the Newton Connection format to import and export the information.
(**) Multiple paragraphs are concatenated with Carriage Returns.
To get data information from an unsupported Macintosh application into Newton Connection, you can use the template import/export feature of NCK 2.0. E.g., you may use the template we have provided to get information in and out of the HyperCard Addresses Stack or you may create one of your own.
To import Newton data into the HyperCard Addresses Stack:
1) Export the data from Connection using the "HyperCard Addresses Template"
2) In HyperCard Addresses simply choose the Import menu item.
3) Import the file created by Connection
To export HyperCard Addresses Stack data into Newton:
1) In HyperCard Addresses Stack simply choose the Export menu item.
2) In Connection import the HyperCard Addresses file using the "HyperCard Addresses Template"
When to use Newton Connection import/export format
Use Newton Connection format to move information between two Newton Connection synchronize files, to distribute information to other people who have Newton Connection and to move data to another application that supports Newton Connection format.
Things to watch out for
Repeating meeting information may be lost when exporting repeating meetings via templates. The meeting will still repeat but all special case information is lost. For example, if a repeating meeting repeats every Thursday for a month, and on the Newton you change week three's meeting from Thursday to Friday, the special case of having a Friday meeting for the third week will be lost.
When printing Newton information from your Macintosh, we suggest that you turn off font substitution (using page setup) before printing on a LaserWriter; otherwise some of your print out may be cut off.
If you ever get a corrupt file message, we suggest deleting the synchronize file immediately and use the backup file. There are times when Newton Connection will make a change to all the files in a folder (e.g., when updating folder names). If one of the files is bad, Newton Connection may crash. Deleting a bad file immediately will prevent the crash.
Miscellaneous suggestions
If you have a Newton Messaging Card we recommend that you remove it before connecting to your Macintosh. If a message is received while a synchronization is occurring there is a chance that some of the message's text will be lost.
If you have a Newton Getting Started card, we recommend that you remove it before connecting to your Macintosh. If you don't remove the card there is a possibility that you'll run out of memory on your Newton during the synchronization process (especially if you're using a serial connection).