Newton Connection Kit 2.0: How to Switch from 1.0

This article explains how to switch from Newton Connection Kit 1.0 to version 2.0
Synchronized files created with Newton Connection 1.0 are incompatible with Newton Connection 2.0 and vice-versa. This means you cannot use Newton Connection 2.0 to synchronize or restore from a Newton Connection 1.0 file. Therefore, BEFORE using Newton Connection 2.0, perform the following steps:

1. Launch Newton Connection 1.0.

2. Synchronize. This makes sure your Newton (and PCMCIA card if applicable) contains all the information you may have added to the 1.0 synchronize file since the last synchronization.

3. Quit Newton Connection 1.0 and delete or rename (see NOTE) the 1.0 synchronization file. This ensures that Newton Connection 2.0 does not try to use the 1.0 file when synchronizing.

4. If you have not already done so, install Newton Connection 2.0.

5. Launch Newton Connection 2.0 and synchronize. This creates a new 2.0 synchronization file with the data currently in your Newton.

NOTE: Once you are comfortable using the new version, we suggest you delete the old 1.0 files. If you do decide to keep any 1.0 files around, please keep a copy of Newton Connection 1.0 around. If you accidentally restore a 1.0 file using Newton Connection 2.0, you will see a -48025 error when you try to synchronize.

Perform the following steps to correct this problem:

1. Quit Newton Connection 2.0.

2. Launch Newton Connection 1.0.

3. Using Newton Connection 1.0, restore the 1.0 synchronize file onto Newton.

4. Quit Newton Connection 1.0.

5. Delete the old 2.0 synchronize files.

6. Launch Newton Connection 2.0.

7. Synchronize using Newton Connection 2.0.

Everything is now ready to go.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012