Start the Macintosh from the hard drive as normal and close all Finder windows. Next, select all desktop icons by the Command-A key sequence or choosing Select All from the Edit menu.
Hold down option key, then click on Special menu to choose Clean Up All. At this point, any icon that may have moved off screen will be visible on the active desktop.
One other method is to move the Finder Preferences file from your Preferences folder inside your System Folder to the desktop and restart your Macintosh. The preferences file will be recreated and you can then throw away the old file. This will force all desktop icons to return to the active display.
Additional information on this issue can be found in the Tech Info Library article titled "Power Macintosh AV: Monitors Ctrl Panel Shows Ghost Monitor."
Article Change History:
02 Feb 1995 - Additional troubleshooting step documented.
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