The Graphing Calculator is only a demo application used to demonstrate the power of the Power Macintosh in performing complex mathematical calculations. Since this is only a demo application, there are no specification sheets or other literature available from Apple. As the Graphing Calculator installed on your Power Macintosh computer is a native application written specifically for the Power Macintosh, it will only run on the Power Macintosh.
The books, "Introducing Dynamic Algebra with NuCalc" and "Advanced Algebra Through Data Exploration: A Graphing Calculator Approach" are available from a third party company, Key Curriculum Press, The book give further documentation on how to use the Graphing Calculator in a classroom setting. Contact Key Curriculum Press to obtain a copy of the book.
There is a 680x0 version of the Graphing Calculator available from Key Curriculum Press. The publisher, Key Curriculum Press, does not provide technical support for the Graphing Calculator for 680x0 based computers.
The Tech Info Library article titled "Locating Vendor Information" can help you search for Key Curriculum Press' address and phone number.
Article Change History:
29 May 1996 - Updated with third party information.
27 Sep 1995 - Updated with third party information.