Adobe Illustrator 5.5: Install Problem, Destination Disk 12/95

While installing Adobe Illustrator version 5.5, the installer produces the error "Was unable to load Adobe Illustrator 5.5 because there is a problem with the destination disk." Is there a problem with the destination disk (my hard drive)?

There is no problem with the destination disk (your hard drive). Adobe is aware of problems installing Adobe Illustrator version 5.5. Adobe suggests the following workaround:

* Open the System Folder on your hard drive.

* Drag the Fonts folder from within your System folder onto the desktop.

* Run the Adobe Illustrator 5.5 installation program.

* Drag the contents of Fonts folder on the desktop onto the closed System
Folder on your Hard Drive to reinstall the fonts.

* Drag the empty Fonts folder from the desktop to the Trash and empty the

**NOTE** This information is provided to inform you of a situation involving an error message that may falsely indicate a problem with your Apple Macintosh hardware. Apple Computer, Inc. does provide technical support for Adobe Illustrator. For further details and information on this problem and other questions about Adobe Illustrator version 5.5 you will need to contact Adobe.

Article Change History:
08 Dec 1995 - Removed keyword.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012