Here is the table of video modes supported by the DOS compatible card:
Apple 13"/14" Monitor
Mode Mode Type Size/Chars Char. Box Colors
0 Text 40x25 8x8 16
00* Text 40x25 8x14 16
00+ Text 40x25 9x16 16
1 Text 40x25 8x8 16
01* Text 40x25 8x14 16
01+ Text 40x25 9x16 16
2 Text 80x25 8x8 16
02* Text 80x25 8x14 16
02+ Text 80x25 9x16 16
3 Text 80x25 8x8 16
03* Text 80x25 8x14 16
03+ Text 80x25 9x16 16
4 Graphics 320x200 N/A 4
5 Graphics 320x200 N/A 4
6 Graphics 640x200 N/A 2
7 Text 80x25 9x14 Mono
07+ Text 80x25 9x16 Mono
0D Graphics 320x200 N/A 16
0E Graphics 640x200 N/A 16
0F Graphics 640x350 N/A Mono
10 Graphics 640x350 N/A 16
11 Graphics 640x480 N/A 2
12 Graphics 640x480 N/A 16
13 Graphics 320x200 N/A 256
79 Graphics 640x480 N/A 256
Apple 16" Monitor
0 Text 40x25 8x8 16
00+ Text 40x25 9x16 16
1 Text 40x25 8x8 16
01+ Text 40x25 9x16 16
2 Text 80x25 8x8 16
02+ Text 80x25 9x16 16
3 Text 80x25 8x8 16
03+ Text 80x25 9x16 16
4 Graphics 320x200 N/A 4
5 Graphics 320x200 N/A 4
6 Graphics 640x200 N/A 2
07+ Text 80x25 9x16 Mono
0D Graphics 320x200 N/A 16
0E Graphics 640x200 N/A 16
11 Graphics 640x480 N/A 2
12 Graphics 640x480 N/A 16
13 Graphics 320x200 N/A 256
6A Graphics 800x600 N/A 16
70 Graphics 800x600 N/A 16