Power Macintosh: GeoPort and Jabra Earphone ARTA Error (7/94)

When using the Jabra Earphone with the GeoPort on a Power Macintosh, I get the error message, "Requires Apple RealTime Architecture, and a GeoPort Pod..." What else needs to be installed?

If you are using a Quadra AV computer, make sure you have installed the application called "Dialer". If you are using a Power Macintosh, make sure you have installed the application called "Power Dialer". "Dialer" can not be used on a Power Macintosh and will cause this error message because it is not able to locate the GeoPort software in memory.

If your are using the correct application, contact Jabra at 619-622-0764.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012