Catalyst 2.1: How To Install DOS 3.3 BASIC (2 of 2)

This article continues the instructions on how to install DOS 3.3 BASIC and its associated Volume Manager on your hard disk through the Catalyst Editor program. The Volume Manager may then be used to create volumes on the hard disk for use by DOS 3.3, and to create the MOUNTS3.3 file to enable access to those volumes.

When DOS 3.3 BASIC is run, it reads the MOUNTS3.3 file from the directory specified by the current ProDOS prefix, and uses that information to determine on which slot/drive pair to look for its startup program (HELLO), what ProDOS files (DOS 3.3 volumes) to mount on selected slot/drive pairs, and whether or not to reserve room for DOS when you initialize a file or diskette.

When you select the "Edit Mount File for DOS 3.3 Application" option, you are asked to enter the name of the subdirectory containing your MOUNTS3.3 file. When you installed DOS 3.3 a MOUNTS3.3 file was created for you in the CATALYST2E subdirectory. If no MOUNTS3.3 file is found in another subdirectory you specify, you are asked if one should be created. If you enter a negative response, you are returned to the DOS Volume Manager main menu.

If the MOUNTS3.3 file is found (or if you request a new file should be created), you are presented with a display listing some of the file's attributes, including its location, the slot/drive which will be used to find the startup program (HELLO), and whether or not tracks will be reserved for DOS when you initialize diskettes or ProDOS volumes.

Also shown is a menu of options which allow you to set the HELLO program location, change the DOS track allocation for diskettes or DOS 3.3 volumes, and edit the mounts for your MOUNTS3.3 file. Pressing ESCAPE at this menu will return you to the DOS Volume Manager main menu.

If you select the "Edit mounts" option instead, you are presented with a list of all slot and drive combinations, and the DOS 3.3 volume currently associated with each pair. You may mount DOS 3.3 volumes in any location except those slot/drive pairs occupied by a floppy diskette controller card which are noted with a "Disk II" entry.

NOTE: The MOUNTS3.3 file can only work with one startup program (HELLO) located on a slot/drive pair at a time. You may, however, mount up to 12 DOS 3.3 volumes under it for access. In order to run a HELLO program from another mounted DOS 3.3 volume, you must select the SET HELLO PROGRAM LOCATION from the EDIT MOUNTS FILE FOR DOS 3.3. APPLICATION menu.

To edit the entry for a particular slot/drive pair, simply select the desired entry when asked, "Edit which mount?". You will then be asked for the "New mount file path". If you don't want any DOS 3.3 volume mounted on the selected slot/drive pair, simply press RETURN. Otherwise, enter the pathname for the DOS 3.3 volume you wish to mount. You will be warned if the name of the DOS 3.3 volume you supply cannot be found.

When you are finished editing the mounts, press ESCAPE and you will be returned to the menu of options for editing your MOUNTS3.3 file. If no further changes are desired, press ESCAPE again, and you are returned to the DOS Volume Manager main menu.

5. Quit
The last entry on the DOS Volume Manager main menu is used to exit the program. To return to the Catalyst menu, type "BYE".


Many DOS 3.3 applications can be used with this system provided that the entire application can be installed in 800 sectors or less and it is not copy protected. A quick and easy way to copy applications to the hard disk is to first copy the Apple II File Developer (FID) program to a DOS volume on the hard disk, and then execute the program. To do this, perform the following procedure.

1. Select the DOS 3.3 Volume Manager from the Catalyst menu.

2. Select Create DOS 3.3 Volume from the menu and create a DOS 3.3 volume under the CATALYST2E subdirectory that is 800 sectors in size. This will give you enough room to copy the rest of the Apple System Master files to the volume if you wish. For this example we will use a pathname of /P/CATALYST2E/DOS. Remember that the only MOUNTS3.3 file that exists at this time that can be associated with the new DOS 3.3 volume is located in the subdirectory CATALYST2E. If you wish to locate the DOS 3.3 volume elsewhere, you will have to create a MOUNTS3.3 file for that location by using the Edit Mount File for DOS 3.3 Application option.

3. Once the DOS 3.3 volume has been created, press ESCAPE to return to the DOS 3.3 Volume Manager menu. It is now necessary to edit the MOUNTS 3.3 file for the newly created volume. Select Edit Mount File for DOS 3.3 Application from the menu. You will be asked for the subdirectory containing the MOUNTS3.3 file. Type /P/CATALYST2E and press RETURN.

4. For this exercise, we will mount the DOS 3.3 volume on slot 5, drive 1. Select EDIT MOUNTS from the menu. A list of all slot/drive pairs will be displayed. Select number 9 (slot 5, drive 1) from the menu and enter /P/CATALYST2E/DOS which is the pathname of the DOS 3.3 volume you have created. The volume will be mounted.

5. Press ESCAPE to return to the Edit Mount File for DOS 3.3 Application menu. If you will notice, the BASIC startup program is being run from slot 6, drive 1. Since your newly created DOS 3.3 volume is mounted on slot 5, drive 1, you will have to change this. Select Set HELLO Program Location from the menu and change the slot/drive location to Slot 5, Drive 1.

6. Escape back to the DOS 3.3 Volume Manager menu and select QUIT.

7. At the "]" prompt, type INIT HELLO. The DOS 3.3 volume that you created and mounted will now be formatted for DOS 3.3. To prove this, type CATALOG. A listing with the file HELLO will be displayed.

8. Place your Apple SYSTEM MASTER disk in drive 1. Type CATALOG S6,D1" and press RETURN. Press RETURN until you arrrive at the bottom of the catalog. At the prompt"]" type "BRUN FID" and press RETURN.

9. Select COPY FILES. At the prompt SOURCE SLOT? type "6", for DRIVE? type "1". For DESTINATION SLOT? type "5". For DRIVE? type "1". For FILENAME? type "FID".

10. The copy program FID will be copied to your hard disk. You may now access it from the hard disk by selecting DOS 3.3 from the Catalyst main menu and at the prompt "]" type "BRUN FID". You may now copy ANY non copy protected DOS 3.3 application to your DOS 3.3 volume. In order to access DOS 3.3 applications from your hard disk, you may do one of two things:

1. Select DOS 3.3 BASIC from your Catalyst menu.
2. At the BASIC prompt "]" type CATALOG.
3. Run the application as you would from a floppy disk. ie."] RUN filename".

B.You may create a Catalyst menu entry for each DOS 3.3 application.


You may now wish to make Catalyst menu entries for your individual DOS BASIC applications.

Each application which appears in your Catalyst menu must have an associated MOUNTS3.3 file describing the volumes to be mounted for that application (including the volume on which the application resides).

To make the Catalyst menu entry for your DOS BASIC application, perform the following procedure:

1. Select the Catalyst Editor from the Catalyst menu.
2. When the Catalyst Editor main menu comes up, select the "Edit Catalyst menu" option.
3. Using the up and down arrow keys, position the inverse bar over the menu entry you wish your program entry to precede. Type "A" to Add a program entry.
4. Enter the menu Display name for your application.
5. Enter "CATALYST2E/DOS3.3" for the Interpreter path.
6. Enter the prefix where the MOUNTS3.3 file for your application resides.
7. Press RETURN for Prgram path.
8. If all the above has beenentered correctly, press RETURN when asked "Is all this correct?". Otherwise, enter "NO" and fix the incorrect entry.
9. Press ESCAPE to return to the Catalyst Editor main menu. Enter "U" to Update the INTERPS2E file.
10. Enter "Q" to Quit from the Catalyst Editor.

B The above Catalyst menu entry will simply execute the DOS 3.3 BASIC interpreter, passing it a specific prefix for a MOUNTS3.3 file.

The MOUNTS3.3 file referenced should be set up to mount the DOS 3.3 volume on which your application resides, and reference it as the startup volume. Since DOS always expects its startup program to be named HELLO, your application should have this name as well.

For example, if you wish to run the application CHECKBOOK from Catalyst, first copy the file to the DOS 3.3 volume you created using FID. From the BASIC prompt "]" type "RENAME CHECKBOOK,HELLO".

NOTE: Binary files are excluded from the above discussion. In order to run a binary application, boot DOS 3.3 from the Catalyst menu and at the BASIC prompt "]" type BRUN filename.

This article provides information about a non-Apple product. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. Please contact the vendor for additional information.

* Article 1582: "Catalyst 2.1: How To Install DOS 3.3 BASIC (1 of 2)" - Contains part 1 of the installation instructions.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012