Resource Meaning
'ALRT' Alert template
'ADBS' Apple Desktop Bus service routine
'BNDL' Bundle
'CACH' RAM cache code
'CDEF' Control definition function
'CNTL' Control template
'CODE' Application code segment
'CURS' Cursor
'DITL' Item list in a dialog or alert
'DLOG' Dialog template
'DRVR' Desk accessory or other device driver
'DSAT' System startup alert table
'FKEY' Command-Shift-number routine
'FMTR' 3 1/2-inch disk formatting code
'FOND' Font family record
'FONT' Font
'FREF' File reference
'FRSV' IDs of fonts reserved for system use
'FWID' Font widths
'ICN#' Icon list
'ICON' Icon
'INIT' Initialization resource
'INTL' International resource
'INT#' List of integers owned by Find File
'KCAP' Physical layout of keyboard (used by Key Caps DA)
'KCHR' ASCII mapping (software)
'KMAP' Keyboard mapping (hardware)
'KSWP' Keyboard script table
'LDEF' List definition procedure
'MBAR' Menu bar
'MBDF' Default menu definition procedure
'MDEF' Menu definition procedure
'MENU' Menu
'MMAP' Mouse tracking code
'NBPC' Appletalk bundle
'NFNT' 128K ROM font
'PACK' Package
'PAT ' Pattern (The space is required.)
'PAT#' Pattern list
'PDEF' Printing code
'PICT' Picture
'PREC' Print record
'PRER' Device type for Chooser
'PRES' Device type for Chooser
'PTCH' ROM patch code
'RDEV' Device type for Chooser
'ROvr' Code for overriding ROM resources
'ROv#' List of ROM resources to override
'SERD' RAM Serial Driver
'SICN' Script symbol
'STR ' String (The space is required.)
'STR#' String list
'WDEF' Window definition function
'WIND' Window template
'actb' Alert color table
'atpl' Internal AppleTalk resource
'bmap' Bit maps used by the Control Panel
'boot' Copy of boot blocks
'cctb' Control color table
'cicn' Color Macintosh icon
'clst' Cached icon lists used by Chooser and Control Panel
'clut' Color look-up table
'crsr' Color cursor
'ctab' Used by the Control Panel
'dctb' Dialog color table
'fctb' Font color table
'finf' Font information
'gama' Color correction table
'ictb' Color table dialog item
'insc' Installer script
'itl0' Date and time formats
'itl1' Names of days and months
'itl2' International Utilities Package sort hooks
'itlb' International Utilities Package script bundles
'itlc' International configuration for Script Manager
'lmem' Low memory globals
'mcky' Mouse tracking
'mctb' Menu color information table
'mitq' Internal memory requirements for MakeITable
'mppc' AppleTalk configuration code
'nrct' Rectangle positions
'pltt' Color palette
'ppat' Pixel pattern
'snd ' Sound (The space is required.)
'snth' Synthesizer
'wctb' Window color table
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