The PowerBook 500 series computers ship with version 1.1 of the Assistant Toolbox. It has a deferred printing feature that lets you save a spooled print file and then print it out later when you return to your printer.
This feature takes over control of the printing from PrintMonitor. Therefore, it interrupts printing to put up the preceding dialog before PrintMonitor figures out that a PostScript file was being requested. So, if your choose Print Later, it only makes the spool file, and doesn't even try to print the file until you reconnect to the network. Once you do this, you get a dialog that asks if you are ready to print, and if so, it generates the PostScript file.
If you disable the Background Printing option in the Chooser, and go through the preceding steps, you still get the Print Later dialog. However, if you choose Print Later, it immediately generates the PostScript file since PrintMonitor is not active to make a spool file. This is a little confusing, but does produce the desired result.
The only other way to get this to work is to remove the Assistant Toolbox extension and then restart, which disables the whole Print Later option.
This issue only applies to version 1.1 of the Toolbox, and has been brought to Engineering to address in possible future releases.
Article Change History:
11 Jan 1995 - Added keyword and made several minor technical updates.
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