AWS 95: Create New System Folder For A/UX 3.0.1 or Later (1/95)

This article describes how to create a new system Folder under A/UX 3.0.1 or later on an Apple Workgroup Server (AWS) 95.

It may sometimes be necessary to create a "clean" System Folder when troubleshooting problems under A/UX on the AWS 95. This procedure will deactivate the current default System Folder, create a new one, and recover the minimum number of files needed to get AppleShare Pro back up and running. Follow the steps below:

1) After signon on as Root, in CommandShell type the command
"systemfolder" at a "localhost.root#" prompt. The system should echo
that it is creating a new system folder for you. This will take about
a minute.

2) Open "/", open the "mac" folder, then open the "sys" folder and rename
the "System Folder" to "Old System Folder"

3) Drag the "System Folder" in "/" to the "sys" folder.

4) Drag the file called "File Server Extension" from the "Extensions"
folder in the "Old System Folder" to the "Extensions" Folder in the
"System Folder"

5) Open the "Preferences" Folder in the "System Folder" and move the
"Users & Groups Data File" (if it exists) into a new folder on the
desktop called "Old U&G Data."

6) Drag the file called "Users & Groups Data File" from the "Preferences"
folder in the "Old System Folder" to the "Preferences" Folder in the
"System Folder."

7) Drag the Sharing Setup control panel from the "Old System Folder" to
the "System Folder" to preserve the server's name.

8) Go to the "Special" Menu and Select "Logout"

9) When the computer comes back up: move the folder you created on the
desktop called "Old U&G Data" to the trash and empty it.

10) Launch AppleShare Admin, and check the configuration.

Once troubleshooting is complete, you may want to copy other items from the "Old System Folder" into the new System Folder, particularly the "Retrospect" folder within Preferences, and the aliases within the Apple Menu Items folder.

Article Change History:
18 Jan 1995 - Added step number 7, and changed title for clarification.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012