Apple Media Tool: Demo Files Won‘t Open

I just got the Apple Media Kit which contains the Apple Media Tool version 1.1. I am trying to run the Apple Media Tool tutorial. I am following the instructions in the Apple Media Tool Handbook and using the Apple Media Kit Demo CD.

When I try to open the file from the CD the I get an error dialog box which says, "Error Type 1." Is this because it is write only, or do I possibly have incompatible versions?
You need to open the tutorial file,, using the DEMO version of the Apple Media Tool on the CD. Then choose "archive" under Preferences:General from the File menu and save it to your hard drive (check the backup media box). Then you can open it with the complete (not the demo) version of Apple Media Tool 1.1 on your hard drive.

The problem is that the demo version and the complete version are different programs so, projects created for the demo version need to be opened and saved as archive before you can open them with the complete version.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012