QuickTake 100: Serial Driver Problems Using Windows 3.11 (7/94)

I am trying to communicate with the QuickTake for Windows, however when I do, my computer freezes. I am using Windows 3.11 on my Pentium based computer. Is the QuickTake for Windows compatible with a Pentium based computer and Windows 3.11?

There is a serial driver problem with some Pentium computer and Windows 3.11.

To fix this problem, you need to install an updated SERIAL.386 Driver for Windows for Workgroups available from Microsoft. The driver is located on Microsoft's TechNet CD-ROM, so if you have the TechNet CD-ROM, you will find it on disc #2. The name of the archive the driver is located inside of is "WG1001.EXE". If you do not subscribe to TechNet then you must log onto the Microsoft Download Service to get the updated driver. The phone number is 206-936-6735, at the Main Menu enter:

1) "1" for download file
2) Then "D" for download
3) Then type in WG1001.EXE press <RETURN>
4) Select the appropriate protocol

The file WG1001.EXE is also available at Microsoft's FTP site.


The directory path for this file is d:/Softlib/MSLFILES

Article Change History:
10 Aug 1994 - Corrected Windows version number and added FTP site information.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012