PC Exchange 1.0.5: Modified File Dates Problem (8/94)

When I insert a PC disk into the disk drive, and open a file using an open dialogue box with PC Exchange 1.0.5, all of the modification dates of the files on the disk are then changed to the current date on the Macintosh. It is important to be able to retain the original document creation date. Will PC Exchange 2.0.1 corrects this problem?

We were able to duplicate the problem and verify that it has been fixed in Macintosh PC Exchange 2.0.1 and later. Below are the steps used to test PC Exchange 1.0.5 and 2.0.1.

System configuration: Quadra 610 DOS Compatible, 8MB RAM with a 160 MB Hard drive, and System 7.1.

1) Formatted 2 floppies on a Dell 486DX/50, hereafter called Disk 1 and
Disk 2.
2) Copied various files to Disk 1.
3) Copied Disk 1 to Disk 2.
4) Loaded Macintosh PC Exchange 1.0.5 on Quadra 610, and restarted
5) Insert Disk 1 into Quadra 610, and launched SimpleText.
6) Select "Open" from "File" menu.
7) When STDFile Open Dialog box comes up, click "Desktop" button, then
double-click Disk 1.
8) Open text file on Disk 1 from SimpleText.
9) Close text file without modifying and quit SimpleText.
10) Open Disk 1 from the Finder, viewed by name and found all modified
dates changed to current date and time.

We then tested Disk 2 with PC Exchange 2.0DC.

1) Loaded Macintosh PC Exchange 2.0DC on Quadra 610, and restarted
2) Insert Disk 2 into Quadra 610, and launched SimpleText.
3) Select "Open" from "File" menu.
4) When STDFile Open Dialog box comes up, click "Desktop" button, then
double-click Disk 2.
5) Open text file on Disk 2 from SimpleText.
6) Close text file without modifying and quit SimpleText
7) Open Disk 2 from the Finder, viewed by name and found all modified
dates have not changed.

The results were the same for Macintosh PC Exchange 2.0.1 as they were for
Macintosh PC Exchange 2.0DC, it looks like the problem has been fixed.

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012