The problem of not being able to receive a fax from an external fax modem on a Power Macintosh has been resolved in System 7.1, System Update version 3.0 and later (including all versions of System 7.5). This update includes a patch that allows the serial port on the Power Macintosh to communicate properly with the external fax modem, thereby allowing faxes to be received.
If you have a Global Village modem, be sure that you have installed their Teleport Serial software version 2.08b or later. This version of the Teleport software will ensure that your Global Village modem performs properly on your Power Macintosh.
Be aware, though, that the install disks for 2.08b include a file called "AV/PPC Serial Tuner." If you have installed System Update 3.0 or later, then you may safely remove the serial tuner since it is included in the System Update.
Article Change History:
18 Mar 1996 - Clarified information.