Performa 550: System Folder Created w/ Dinosaur Safari CD
When I launch the Dinosaur Safari CD from Creative Multimedia, a dialog box appears telling me that my Performa computer is having trouble starting up. I only have two options Shutdown or Continue? Why?
The Performa 550 computer has a mini-System folder in a hidden partition on the hard drive. When something happens to the System folder on the hard drive, the mini-system folder is copied from the hidden partition to the hard drive.
* When you select Continue, the computer copies the mini-System folder and
starts-up normally.
- If a mini-system was copied to your hard disk, throw away the System
suitcase in the mini-system folder, then throw away the entire
mini-system folder. You need to "bless" the main system folder, then
restart. One of the easiest ways of doing this is to open the System
folder, then double-click the System suitcase. Once the System opens,
close it and restart your computer.
* When you select Shutdown, the computer shuts down normally.
Regardless of which option you choose, there is nothing wrong with the system software on the hard drive. Creative Multimedia has determined that this problem only occurs on the Performa 550 computer.
Workaround ----------
Copy the main icon from the CD to your hard disk. Launch the application from the hard disk instead of the CD. The program requires approximately
15 MB of hard disk space.
If you have additional questions about the Dinosaur Safari CD, or about this problem, contact Creative Multimedia.
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