PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: When a properly operating printer is
powered on, the carriage should move to the far left and then back to
center of its travel. After this the black plastic cam at the right front of
the ribbon platform turns causing the platform to its lowest
position and then return to its top position (used for black print).
With this problem, the ribbon platform moves to its lowest position
but does not return to the top position so when the print starts, the
ribbon is positioned below the printhead resulting in no ink transfer
to the paper.
CAUSE: During the power up sequence described above, the lower
front lip on ribbon cartridge is catching on the left brass washer
securing the clear plastic paper guide to the carrier assembly.
CURE: Bend the washer down or file it back.
If this cure does not resolve the problem, go back to the Word Search
screen and search on the product's name and HTS and GTS to obtain a
General Troubleshooting procedure.
Compliments: Lauri Fischer (formerly Marshman) FSE