At Ease Prior To Version 2.0.3
When launching The Writing Center from At Ease (and the user whom you log in as is restricted in At Ease to opening documents in their Document folder only), selecting "Get Pictures" from The Writing Center's Picture menu will only allow you to open documents contained in the user's Documents folder.
In short, you can not access the pictures without allowing the user At Ease access priviledges to open items outside of their own Documents folder.
1) If you launch The Writing Center from the Finder, you could navigate to the Pictures folder in The Writing Center folder on the hard drive to "Get Pictures".
2) Place aliases to each picture in the user's Documents folder.
At Ease Version 2.0.3
At Ease 2.0.3 adds an Application Preferences option to the Options menu in At Ease Setup. It allows the administrator to set "open" and "save" preferences for each application to which users are given access.
The procedure is the same for both At Ease and At Ease for Workgroups:
1) Open At Ease Setup.
2) Select "Application Preferences" from the Options menu. You'll see a list of all available applications. Highlight "The Writing Center" and ensure that there are "X"s in the boxes next to "open location" and "save location." By default, they'll be selected already. Click on "OK" to save.
3) Quit At Ease Setup and log into At Ease as a user who has full access privileges to the hard drive. In other words, do not log on as a user who only has access to a floppy disk, but as a user who can open documents from anywhere on the hard drive. (These will be access privileges you've previously defined for a user from within At Ease Setup.)
4) Open either a new or a previously created Document in The Writing Center. Then, from the Edit menu, select "Preferences...."
5) Click on "Set Default Picture Folder...." A file dialog box will appear from which you can navigate to the location of your new Pictures folder, which can be anywhere you want it to be. Highlight this folder and click "Select." You're finished.
Note: Unless you log on as a user who has access privileges to the hard drive, clicking on the "Set Default Picture Folder" button will simply bring up the familiar "Please Insert Disk" message.
Thereafter, all users, whether they have access privileges to the hard drive or not, can retrieve (or save) Pictures from the default Picture folder you have defined within The Writing Center.
Note: At Ease 2.0.3, in addition to the changes discussed in this article, is also compatible with System 7.5.