System 7.5: DataViz Translators Included W/Upgrades Only (2/95)

I noticed that the System 7.5 upgrade kits contain the MacLinkPlus translators by DataViz. These were not installed on my recently purchased Macintosh and was wondering why.

The MacLinkPlus translators are bundled with the System 7.5 upgrade kits as a promotion. They have not been licensed for installation on new Macintosh computers, only in upgrade kits. (Upgrade kits included in the promotion are personal upgrade kits as well as 10, 30 and 100 multi-pack upgrade kits. Site licenses are NOT involved in this promotion).

Support for the translators themselves is provided by DataViz, support for Macintosh Easy Open or Macintosh PC Exchange is provided by Apple Computer, Inc.

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Article Change History:
14 Feb 1995 - Reviewed for technical accuracy.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012