Default Apple Menu Items
The following is a brief description of the contents of the Apple Menu Items folder. Since you can customize and expand the items in your Apple Menu, the contents of your Apple Menu Items folder may vary.
AppleCD Audio Player
Gives you control of audio CDs inserted into your Macintosh.
An online calculator.
Gives you access to select which printer you want to use as well as other network services.
Control Panels
This is an alias to the control panel folder.
Find File
Lets you search for files on volumes mounted on your desktop based on a variety of search criteria.
Jigsaw Puzzle
An online jigsaw puzzle game.
Key Caps
Provides you with a visual representation of a keyboard and what character is produced for each key in every font installed in your Fonts folder. Key Caps is not able to display the extended keyset of QuickDraw GX Fonts.
Note Pad
A small note pad for keeping notes or reminders.
Recent Applications
A folder that stores an alias to applications that have recently been opened. You can set how many applications it remembers via the Apple Menu Options control panel.
Recent Documents
A folder that stores an alias to documents that have recently been opened. You can set how many it remembers via the Apple Menu Options control panel.
Recent Servers
A folder that stores an alias to servers that have recently been accessed. You can set how many it remembers via the Apple Menu Options control panel.
The scrapbook can hold text, graphics, and QuickTime files for use in other applications.
Stickies are similar to 3M¬ Brand Post-It notes in electronic form.
* Shut Down
This is an alternative to the Shut Down selection under the Special menu. When your select the * Shut Down menu item, any item in the Shutdown Items folder in your system folder is not acted on.
Article Change History:
16 Feb 1995 - Added keyword; updated keyword; made several technical updates.
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