System 7.5 MUK: Printer Update Read Me (2/95)

The following article is the "Printer Update ReadMe" from the System 7.5 Multi-Pack Upgrade Kit.

Read Me for Printer Update

This folder contains the Installer program and new printer software for computers on your network that will continue to use System 6.

If you are using System 6 and you share a printer with people who are using System 7 (version 7.0 or later), you need to upgrade your printer software. (When a System 7 computer prints on a LaserWriter than has been initialized with an earlier printer driver, its driver causes the printer to restart. Although this process is harmless, it is time-consuming and also clears fonts from the printer's memory.)

You don't need to upgrade your printer software if you are upgrading from system software version 7.0 or 7.1 to System 7.5, or if you don't share a printer with anyone who uses System 7 or 7.1.

To upgrade your printer software:

1. Double-click the Installer icon in this folder.
2. When the Welcome screen appears, press Return.
3. When the Installer dialog box appears, make sure the name of your startup disk appears next to the
hard disk icon. If necessary, click Switch Disk until the correct name appears.
4. Click Install.
5. When the installation is complete, click Quit.

If you need help using the Installer, see your network administrator.

Article Change History:
16 Feb 1995 - Reviewed for technical accuracy, revised System 7.5 keyword.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012