Monitors CDEV: One Resolution on Multiple Scan Display (9/94)

I have a Multiple Scan 17 Display connected to a Power Macintosh computer, however the Monitors control panel only displays one resolution. I have tried reinstalling the system software and resetting the Parameter RAM (PRAM), but neither of these fixed the problem. What could be wrong?

If the resolution options do not appear in the Monitors control panel, first try to reset the monitor settings using the controls on the front of the monitor. To reset all picture controls on the monitor, follow this step:

- While holding down the Control button on the monitor, press the Reset button using the tip of a pen.*

Sometimes the monitor provides the wrong 'sense' signal to the computer causing the Monitors control panel to think that the Multiple Scan Display is not capable of different resolutions. Resetting the monitor should fix the problem.

The resolution settings are stored in RAM and created when the Macintosh starts up based on what the computer senses from the monitor.  The current resolution setting selected in the Monitors Control panel is stored in the System File.

*Note: This procedure will reset all of the picture controls, including brightness and contrast, to their original levels. See the Multiple Scan 17 Display User's Guide for instructions on resetting specific controls.

Article Change History:

06 Jul 1995 - Added instructions from manual for resetting controls

Support Information Services

Published Date: Feb 19, 2012