Out of the box, the built-in video on the Macintosh IIci and Macintosh IIsi computers are not compatible with the Multiple Scan 15 Display, even though both use the 640x480 resolution. The problem is related to the sync lines. The Macintosh IIci and Macintosh IIsi were designed to work with the 13-in. HighRes RGB, which uses sync on green input. The new Multiple Scan 15 Display only accepts sync on separate input lines, one for the horizontal and one for the vertical. There is at least one third-party display adapter you can use, which enables you to use the Multiple Scan 14 or Multiple Scan 15 Display with either the Macintosh IIsi or Macintosh IIci computer.
Display adapters are available from several third-pary companies such as Enhanced Cable Technology, Griffin Technology, and MacAdapt.
This article provides information about a non-Apple product. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. Please contact the vendor for additional information.
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Article Change History:
08 Feb 1996 - Added information on third-pary display adapter.
09 Jun 1995 - Corrected type of sync used.
01 Dec 1994 - Removed the Macintosh LC from discussion.
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