A software patch is now available that lets customers using Apple Remote Access (ARA) server software 2.0.1 accept calls from ARA 1.0 clients. The patch is available immediately at no charge to ARA customers in the U.S. and enables both Apple Remote Access Personal and MultiPort Servers (version 2.0.x) to accept calls from ARA 1.0 clients.
The server software does not provide any additional enhancements beyond enabling Version 1.0 clients to access Version 2.0.x servers nor does it add ARA 2.0 functionality to the ARA 1.0 client. If you do not require connections from ARA 1.0 clients to 2.0.x servers you do not need to update your remote access server software.
The Apple Remote Access Update is available from user groups and from the following online locations:
* On the Internet at the following sites:
- Worldwide Web: <
- ftp: <
* On America Online, use keyword: applecomputer
* On CompuServe, use GO: APLSUP