Power Macintosh: Monitor Displays the Wrong Tint (3/95)

When attaching a monitor to the built in video of a Power Macintosh, the monitors video has a pinkish color. Is this a monitor problem or a problem with the computer?

First check the video cable connection. Power Macintosh computers with a monitor attached to the built in video port (HDI-45), the cable must be seated correctly. This is very important when you use the Power Macintosh Display Adapter. The Power Macintosh Display Adapter allows a standard DB-15 video connector to attach to the HDI-45 port on the computer.

If the colors displayed on your monitor are not correct, follow these steps:
1) Make appropriate monitor adjustments
2) Reseat the cable
3) Replace the Power Macintosh Display Adapter
4) Try another monitor

These steps should help isolate the problem.

Article Change History:
23 Mar 1995 - Reviewed for technical accuracy.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012