When you install PowerTalk, which comes with System 7.5, you can only install, there is no option for Remove or Custom Remove. The way to de-install PowerTalk is to drag the 13 PowerTalk components from the System Folder to the Trash. By removing PowerTalk you can reduce RAM requirements and increase hard disk space.
If you have been using PowerTalk, be sure to empty your Mailbox and verify there are no items waiting to be sent before you remove PowerTalk.
Here are all of the files and folders that need to be removed:
Apple Menu Items (folder)
. Mail and Catalogs (folder) .................................. 1
Control Panels (folder)
. PowerTalk Setup (control panel) ............................. 2
Extensions (folder)
. AppleTalk Service (PowerTalk extension)...................... 3
. Catalogs Extension (system extension) ....................... 4
. Mailbox (system extension)................................... 5
. PowerTalk Guide (Apple Guide document)....................... 6
. PowerTalk Extension (system extension) ...................... 7
. PowerTalk Manager (system extension) ........................ 8
PowerTalk Data (folder) ......................................... 9
Preferences (folder)
. AppleMail Letterheads (folder) .............................. 10
. PowerTalk Setup Preferences (PowerTalk Manager document) .... 11
. PowerTalk Startup Preferences (PowerTalk Manager document) .. 12
Apple Extras (folder)
. PowerTalk (folder) .......................................... 13
Article Change History:
15 Feb 1995 - Reviewed for accuracy and changed keyword.
09 Feb 1995 - Noted to empty mailbox prior to removing PowerTalk.
03 Feb 1995 - Added generic statement on RAM and HD space.
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