QuickTake 100: Creating GIF and Screen Saver files (9/94)

Is there a way to convert a QuickTake image into a GIF file format? Also, is
there a way to convert a QuickTake image into a screensaver?

Files created by the QuickTake camera are simply 24 bit Macintosh PICT images. Most graphic software packages that recognize the PICT and GIF file formats will allow you to save a PICT file as a GIF file. For example, you can do this with PhotoShop or DeBabelizer. In addition, there is a wide array of public domain and shareware software available on most of the online services that also lets you do this.

One part of the conversion process is to reduce the image quality. This is necessary because the QuickTake document is stored as a 24 bit (16 million Colors) image and a GIF file is stored as an 8 bit (256 colors) image. Some programs do this automatically, others do not. Depending on the software you use to convert the image, you may need to do this.

Screen Saver
One way make a QuickTake image into a screen saver is to use the AfterDark
screen saver. Slide Show, one of AfterDark's modules, will blank the screen
and display one or more specified Macintosh PICT images.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012