AWS 95 and System 7.5 Client Workstations Volume Size (2/95)

Will Macintosh workstations running System 7.5 support 4 GB volumes on a Apple Workgroup Server (AWS) 95? I know that I shouldn't put System 7.5 on the "/" partition of the AWS 95, but I would like all of my System 7.5 clients the ability to access shared 4 GB volumes.

1) What are the file system limits to the 7.0.1 Macintosh process under A/UX, will it support 4 GB on the root directory?

2) What are the sharing limits in AppleShare Pro, for versions 1.0 and 1.1? Does it support sharing folders with more than 2 GBs and 32,000 files?

3) Is there a way using System 7.5 to share 4 GB volumes?

As of A/UX 3.1, we support UFS file systems up to 4 GB. The A/UX Finder however, can't handle this sized volumes correctly. If you have a volume larger than 2 GB, the A/UX Finder will report the correct space available and correct disk usage. If you try to write anything to that volume, it will fail telling you that more space is needed. You will only be able to read or copy items from that volume.

The largest volume that can be shared by AppleShare Pro 1.1 is 2 GB. AppleShare Pro does not know how to deal with volumes larger than 2 GB. If, for example a volume larger than 2 GB is available, it can be shared but the reported amount of disk space available and disk space used will be incorrect.

We did some tests using System 7.1 and System 7.5, and in both cases the results were the same. The reported amount of disk space available and disk space used are incorrect from the AppleShare Pro server, you run into a similar error condition as the one described above. You can read from the volume but you are unable to write to it.

Part of my tests included sharing a 2.8 GB volume from a Power Macintosh 8100 running System 7.5. When this volume was mounted from another system running System 7.5, the volume was accessible with no problem. When mounted from a Macintosh running System 7.1 there were errors in the window information for disk space used and available. If the Macintosh running System 7.1 has the AppleShare Workstation software 3.5 installed, the window information will appear to be correct but the behavior of the system will be erroneous.

Lastly, if a site has all System 7.5 systems and uses Personal File Sharing, they will be able to share volumes up to 4 GB. The bottom line is that as of September, 1994 the only configuration with 4 GB file systems we support is Personal File Sharing under System 7.5.

Article Change History:
16 Feb 1995 - Reviewed for accuracy and changed keyword.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012