Apple Media Tool: Running a Project in Windows

A customer is getting an error message when trying to run a Media Tool project in Windows. The error reads:

Cannot use media >C:/MOVTEST/MEDIA/TITLE.MOV<! {-2004}

The project contains nothing but a single QuickTime movie. The movie will play with the Movie Player, but the Media Tool project will not launch without returning this error. The project and media was copied from the Macintosh to a Novell server, then to the target PC.
There are very specific steps needed to run an Apple Media Tool (AMT) project under Windows. If these steps are followed, it will work correctly. I will outline the steps needed (and which I took to verify proper operation):

Make sure all media files conform to the DOS naming conventions. (eight characters followed by an optional period and three character extension.). Also, make sure the QuickTime movie is saved with the "Make movie self-contained" option from the MoviePlayer (flattened).

Testing Configuration:
Macintosh: 8150 WGS w/1GB hard drive, 24MB RAM, System 7.5, AMT 1.1
PC: Intel 90MHz Pentium, 16MB RAM, 500MB...

1. From the Macintosh, launch AMT. A new map window is displayed.

2. Click the "Creation" tool (looks like a plus sign) and click once in the untitled map window. A new screen is created, titled "screen 1". Double-click the screen to open it.

3. Hit "cmd-y" to add a media element. A Standard File Dialog box opens. Select a QuickTime movie. In this case it was one of the samples that comes on the AMT CD. Double-click it to add it to the project.

4. At the bottom of the Macintosh screen, there are 3 windows titled, respectively from left to right: "Media", "Objects", and "Actions". In the "Media" window, you will now see the QuickTime movie that was added. Drag the QuickTime movie listed to the window "Untitled 1*Screen 1". (The open screen that was created and opened in step 3).

5. At the top of the "Actions" window, click the "Before Display" pop-up menu item and change it to "After Display".

6. Hit "cmd-h" to insert another command in the "Action" window. Click the pop-up menu for the new command, and change it to "Start".

7. Close the "Untitled 1*Screen 1" window.

8. Select "Save as text..." from the file menu. When the Standard File Dialog box comes up, there will be a check box in the bottom left corner labelled "Backup media". In order to make sure everything is included in the project when you move it to a Windows machine, I would suggest checking this box. It will create a "MEDIA" folder/directory whereever you save the file, and copy the QuickTime movie into it, along with some other needed files.

9. Type in a name, leaving the ".k" filename extension in place. Click "Save".

10. Quit AMT and run "RunTime Maker". When the dialog box for RunTime Maker appears, there will be check boxes at the bottom for Macintosh or Windows platforms. Check Windows, uncheck Macintosh.

11. Click the "Make" button, which will open the Standard File Dialog box. Select the project file (the one that ends with the ".k") you created in step 9, and double-click.

12. After a time, RunTime Maker will be finished, and you'll have several new files in the location that the project was saved in. Copy the files that have the PC icon and the "MEDIA" folder/directory to the target DOS machine. From Windows, run the .exe file that was copied over and it will run correctly.

The main point here that is not readily apparent from any documentation that I have is that the "MEDIA" folder must be copied to the target machine and reside in the same directory as the .exe file. (Please note that I call them folders on the Macintosh platform, and directories on the DOS machines - the names are interchangeable when switching platforms). Inside the "MEDIA" directory must reside the QuickTime movie (or any other media that is used). After running RunTime Maker, all the files that RunTime Maker creates, and all the files in the MEDIA directory must be copied to the target machine, making sure the MEDIA directory is where it is supposed to be (again, in the same directory as the .exe file)

Sorry to be so long winded, but by following EXACTLY the steps outlined above, the project will play consistently on the Windows machine.
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012