The left column lists the peripherals, the right column lists the cable required to connect one of the following computers to it; Macintosh 512K and the 512Ke.
Part numbers which begin with a letter are the finished goods part number, the seven digit numbers are the service part numbers.
Peripheral Cable part number
---------- -----------------
AppleFax Modem N/A
Apple Personal Modem M0196/590-0551
Apple Data Modem 2400
Apple Modem 300 M0170/590-0197
Apple Modem 1200
Apple ImageWriter II or II/L M0196/590-0551 (smoke), LocalTalk
Apple ImageWriter LQ optional
Apple ImageWriter Printer 590-0169
Apple ImageWriter 15"
LaserWriter, Plus, IInt, IIntx, IIf, IIg LocalTalk
LaserWriter Pro 600/630/810
Personal LaserWriter NT, NTR
Personal LaserWriter LS N/A
StyleWriter & StyleWriter II
Color StyleWriter/Color StyleWriter Pro
Apple LaserWriter IIsc N/A
Personal LaserWriter SC
AppleCD SC
Apple Hard Disk 20/40/80
Apple Tape Backup 40SC
Apple Scanner
Apple Color OneScanner
Apple Color Printer