Apple Remote Access: Geoport Settings on 660AV or 840AV

I am having trouble getting Apple Remote Access to work with Geoport on a Macintosh Quadra 660AV or 840AV.

If you encounter problems with ARA and Geoport check the following settings:

* Express Modem Control Panel
- Turn Express Modem switch ON
- Modem Port is set to use External Modem

* Speech Setup Control Panel
- Turn Speech recognition OFF

* Remote Access Setup Control Panel
- Modem type is set to GeoPort Telecom
- Port is set to GeoPort

* Sound Control Panel
- Sound out - 24KHz

If, after checking all of these settings, it still does not work, do the following:

1) Remove Serial Port Arbitrator from the Extensions folder
2) Turn virtual memory off
3) Turn file sharing off
4) Reset PRAM (Command-option-P-R at startup)
Published Date: Feb 19, 2012